Internships are an invaluable way to prepare yourself for your professional goals, and the School of Education is committed to making these opportunities accessible to students.
Internship Listings
Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education Internship: (RPSE 630)
Read full application instructions here. Internship goals include:
- Gaining experience in community agencies serving and advocating for individuals with disabilities
- Exploring career interests
- Developing professionalism and communication skills
Art 393: Internships in Art
Internships provide real-world experience for students and positions can often be held for university credit by enrolling in Art 393. While searching for opportunities, start looking for an internship early and apply both locally and nationally and speak with professors and professionals in your intended field for suggestions. Read more about the process on the Art Department website.
Related Resources
The School of Education offers a range of career support for students, including: career advising, resources for the job search, and internship and networking opportunities.
Career Center
The Career Center is committed to supporting the lifelong career development and success of the School of Education students and alumni. The Center works with employers, UW faculty and staff, families, and other community partners toward that goal.
Education Academic Services
EAS is the undergraduate student affairs office for the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. We work with current and prospective School of Education students in all programs.