Nominations are now being solicited for the 2019-20 Virginia Horne Henry Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship.
The fellowship was established in 1998 by a bequest from the estate of Patrick Henry in honor of his wife, Virginia Horne Henry, a leader in the field of women’s physical education, including knowledge and appreciation of women’s movement, activity, and the female body in culture. The primary purpose of the fund is to support and enhance the area of women’s engagement in physical activity.
The recipient must be a full-time graduate student in a doctoral program at the UW–Madison. Preference will be given to students in the School of Education. A major criterion for selection will be the potential research contribution of the candidate(s) to the area of women’s physical education, movement, activity, and the female body in culture.
Note: Employment of any kind through UW–Madison, including but not limited to graduate assistantships, paid internships, and other fellowships, may affect the fellowship award. There is a firm UW–Madison policy of a limit of 133.33% on appointments for graduate students. These fellowships are considered to be 100% time.
The Fellowship
The Virginia Horne Henry Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship will be an academic year award. The rate for Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowships will be $20,300. In addition, the fellowship will pay tuition and benefits.
If you have any questions, please contact Ruth Benedict, VHH Committee Chair at or (608) 890-0160.
Nominations may be from a department, a faculty member, or the candidates themselves. There is no limit on the number of students a department may nominate. The recipients will be selected by the Virginia Horne Henry Committee, appointed by the Dean of the School of Education.
Nominations must include the following as the application for fellowship:
- A statement of no more than two pages by the nominee, describing her/his academic or program interests, also indicating what the candidate would hope to accomplish during the year in which the fellowship would be held;
- The student’s transcript and vita; and
- Two letters of faculty support, one of which must be from the student’s major professor. The letters may be uploaded with the rest of the application materials or emailed to Applications must be received by February 1, 2019 by 4:30 p.m.
“I am a third year PhD candidate in the Department of Kinesiology, studying physical activity epidemiology under Dr. Lisa Cadmus-Bertram. My research interests are the role of physical activity in gynecologic cancer survivorship, specifically the role of resistance training in endometrial cancer survivors. I received my MS from the Department of Population Health and my BS in Kinesiology both from UW–Madison. My dissertation work focuses on marrying my epidemiological and kinesiology training into a behavioral framework to study exercise in cancer survivors. Additionally, I have interests in physical activity measurement both at the individual level (wearable fitness trackers) and population level (self-reported and device-based) assessments. Our lab has also worked on rural health, studying the needs and barriers to physical activity in women who live in rural Wisconsin. My main dissertation project is H-BEST, Home-Based Exercise for Strength Training, which is a two-arm randomized controlled pilot trial determining the feasibility of and adherence to home-based resistance exercise.”
“As a PhD candidate, my past research, as well as the research I am currently conducting, examines the effects of exercise on the physical and psychosocial well-being of older women, including those with Parkinson disease (PD), rural-dwellers, and family caregivers. Under the guidance and mentorship of Dr. Kristen Pickett in the Sensory Motor Integration Laboratory of the Kinesiology Department, my dissertation will explore the effects of dyadic exercise on caregivers and their care recipients with PD. Well-documented in the literature, and demonstrated through prior research in our lab, exercise remediates PD symptoms and improves performance of activities of daily living. Moreover, regular exercise has been shown to improve quality of life, and physical function for individuals with PD, while subsequently lessening caregiver burden. Few studies, however, have examined effects of exercise for PD caregivers, or dyadic exercise for caregivers and individuals with PD. To that end, the research question for my dissertation is concerned with investigating how participation in a home-based exercise intervention—delivered via telehealth—can remediate PD symptoms, alleviate caregiver burden, and ultimately improve well-being and occupational participation in dyads of rural-dwelling individuals with PD and their caregivers.”