The School of Education promotes a conceptualization of education, research, and public service that spans international borders, has global reach, and embraces open inquiry, innovation, and social justice. The goal of this committee is to ensure well-coordinated international initiatives and opportunities that span research and practice and that have administrative, faculty, staff, graduate student, and undergraduate student participation.
Global Education initiatives will occur on campus, as well as nationally and internationally. A focus on global awareness and critical inquiry is central to the School of Education and to the activities of the Global Education Committee (GEC). GEC aims to foster connections and collaboration across departments and programs within the School of Education and connect with broader conversations and initiatives about global education. A primary goal is to support visibility to all and inclusion for all.
This committee serves as an advisory group to the Dean and is composed of one faculty member from each School of Education academic department, representatives from PLACE, IAP, and WCER, a co-chair seat for a faculty member, and a co-chair seat for the Special Assistant to the Dean on Global Education.
The GEC is pleased to offer funding to School of Education faculty and academic staff for global initiatives and research for the current academic year, and funding for graduate students presenting their own work at conferences outside the United States.
For questions or to submit a proposal, please email Co-Chair Lesley Bartlett ( and CC The account is monitored by the Global Education Coordinator who assists in organizing the grant review process.
The categories for funding are:
School of Education Seed Funding
To support the development of innovative projects, courses and programs with a global focus. Click here for more information.
Seed Funding for Course Development or Revision Integrating a Global Focus
To support the integration of a global focus in existing or new courses. Click here for more information.
Hartzman International Conference Travel Award
To support graduate students presenting their own research and/or creative work at a conference outside of the United States. Click here for more information.
AY 2017-2018
Lesley Bartlett (Educational Policy Studies) Co-Chair
Nancy Kendall (Educational Policy Studies) Co-Chair
- Shuxing Fan (Theatre and Drama)
- Regina Fuller (Student Representative)
- Dan Gold (International Academic Programs)
- John Hitchcock (Art)
- Li-Ching Ho (Curriculum and Instruction)
- Jack Jorgensen (The Network)
- Weijia Li (Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis)
- Kate McCleary (WCER)
- Noel Radomski (WISCAPE)
- Martina Rau (Educational Psychology)
- David Rosenthal (Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education)
- Wyl Schuth (Education Academic Services)
- Marlene Skog (Dance)
- Lynet Uttal (Counseling Psychology)
- Andrew Winterstein (Kinesiology)
Please contact the Dean’s office for minutes, agendas, and meeting handouts.