Academic Planning Council (APC)

The APC is one of the School of Education’s two major standing committees that monitor and oversee program planning and development within the School and between departments; the other committee is the Programs Committee.

All new undergraduate and graduate program proposals, program revisions, and new or revised courses originate within program areas and/or departments and must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate departmental committees before being brought to the appropriate committee of the School of Education.

The Academic Planning Council has the responsibility, as mandated by Section 3.08 of the Faculty Policies and Procedures, for advising the Dean on departmental requests for approval to plan new programs and degrees. Membership of the Council is composed of one faculty member elected by each department; two faculty members appointed by the Dean; two academic staff members elected by academic staff in the School of Education; and the Dean, a member ex-officio, who serves as chair. The primary criteria used by this Committee when reviewing departmental requests are the allocation of resources, the appropriateness of the proposal within the context of the mission of the department and School, and the long-range implications of the program.

Following approval by the Academic Planning Council and the Dean, the departmental request is forwarded to the Provost for review by the appropriate individuals and committees (University Academic Planning Council, Graduate Faculty Executive Committee) at the campus level. If approved, the request to plan is then forwarded to the Office of Academic Affairs, University of Wisconsin System. (The highest level of approval required for new centers, certificates, sub-majors, and similar entities is the University Academic Planning Council.) Departments do not proceed to develop a new major or degree until UW System approval to plan has been received.

The Council is also responsible for the periodic review of existing programs at all levels, as mandated by the Regents. Sample guidelines for a program review have been developed by the University Academic Planning Council. However, departments may have a unique situation or set of circumstances that are better served by an idiosyncratic program review.

In these cases, departments establish their own criteria and method of inquiry and define the manner in which the report will be submitted to the School’s Academic Planning Council. These individualized program reviews must be approved by the School’s Council before the department embarks upon its self-study. The program reviews may result in suggestions to departments for program or course changes; in addition, the Council will be interested in enrollment trends, long-range implications of the program, faculty/student ratios, costs per credit, allocation of departmental resources, and other indicators of program quality and effectiveness.

2018-2019 Academic Year

  • Jim Wollack (Educational ​Psychology)
  • Pete Miller (Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis)
  • Kate Corby (Dance)
  • Gary Diffee (Kinesiology)
  • Susan Smedema (Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education)
  • Jim Escalante (Art)
  • Vacant (Academic Staff Rep)
  • Mariana Pacheco (Curriculum and Instruction)
  • Diana Hess, Chair (Dean)
  • Steve Quintana (Counseling Psychology)
  • Nancy Kendall (Educational Policy Studies)
  • Colleen Conroy (Theatre and Drama)
  • Nancy Kendall (Educational Policy Studies)
  • Ann Fillback Watt (Academic Staff Rep)
  • Robin Worth (Academic Staff Rep)

Meeting Materials

Please contact Maren Harris in the Dean’s Office for meeting materials prior to the current academic year.


This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

May 15

Will be updated after the committee meeting.

April 17

Will be updated after the committee meeting.

March 20

Will be updated after the committee meeting.

February 27

Academic Planning Council Agenda​

Consent Agenda ​

Business Agenda

Future APC meetings 2018-19

March 20
April 17
May 15

January 16

​Academic Planning Council Agenda​

Consent Agenda ​

Business Agenda

Future APC meetings 2018-19

February 20
March 20
April 17
May 15

December 19

Academic Planning Council Agenda

Consent Agenda

Regular Business

Future APC meetings 2018-19

January 16
February 20
March 20
April 17
May 15

November 21

Academic Planning Council Agenda

Consent Agenda:

  • Approval of May and October minutes
  • Approval of the Agenda

Items for Action or Discussion:

Future APC meetings 2018-19
December 19
January 16
February 20
March 20
April 17
May 15

October 17

Academic Planning Council Agenda

Future APC Meetings 2018-19

November 21
December 19
January 16
February 20
March 20
April 17
May 15