Academic Advising

School of Education students are assigned to a professional advisor in Education Academic Services (EAS) or the Office of Undergraduate Recruitment and Retention (OURR).

Students in Art, Dance, and Physical Education (Kinesiology) are assigned an EAS/OURR advisor, but also work directly with advisors in their department.

Students interested in School of Education programs are encouraged to confer with their advisor(s). Once admitted to a professional program, students usually work closely with a faculty or staff advisor around professional learning and career development.

Phone appointments are available for students at a distance by request.

Staff provide advising and support services to undergraduates in the School of Education. Students are assigned an advisor based on their last name. Phone (608) 262-1651 to make an appointment.

A-E   Contact Becky Smith

F        New hire coming in May 2019

G-L   Contact Mary Thompson-Shriver

M-R  New hire coming in May 2019

S-Z    Contact Michael Sullivan

Contact Your Advisor

Becky Smith

Academic Advisor

Mary Thompson-Shriver

Academic Advisor

Michael Sullivan

Academic Advisor