Making Connections Around the Globe
The Global Engagement Office connects the School of Education community with resources, knowledge, and support to engage in and carry out globally-focused initiatives.
Study Abroad, Study Away, and International Internships
Spending time outside of your home culture is an opportunity to expand your world view, cultivate intercultural understanding, help you to be more competitive in the global workforce, and improve or develop language skills
International Students and Visiting Scholars
The School of Education is incredibly fortunate to have an amazing community of international students and visiting scholars throughout our ten academic departments.
Graduate Students
The Graduate School and the International Academic Programs Offices both provide resources to graduate students who wish to study abroad or carry out research or creative endeavors in another country. The School of Education is currently in the process of identifying resources for graduate students who are carrying out fieldwork or creative endeavors in global contexts.
Resources for Faculty, Instructors, and Departments
The Global Engagement Office is a resource to faculty, instructors, and departments seeking to: intentionally integrate global perspectives in their course offerings, and create new courses with diverse and global perspectives.
International Partnerships
The School of Education is a member of the International Network of Education Institutions. This network is a collaboration among ten top schools and colleges of education around the globe.
About GEO
Supporting the UW-Madison School of Education in thinking, working, innovating, and partnering globally.