Web Services

The Office of Communications and Advancement’s Web Services team develops and maintains the technical infrastructure of the main School of Education websites that are hosted on a shared infrastructure.

In collaboration with the MERIT IT Infrastructure team, Web Services also provides assistance with larger projects requiring dedicated hosting or custom design. In addition, the Web Services staff help design and maintain key components of the School’s shared and self-service web publishing tools.

White MAC keyboard on wooden table.

Services & Resources

Web Services offers tools and services for publishing and managing online content. A variety of options allow the School of Education community to create and administer a dynamic, secure, and recognizable web presence.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Web Support

Users of the Sitefinity CMS in the UW–Madison School of Education can request assistance for issues with editing and publishing content.

Digital Measures Support

Digital Measures is a web-based solution for School of Education faculty to capture and share information related to teaching, research and service activities.

Sitefinity Editor Support

MERIT provides access and general support for Sitefinity editors.

Blog/WordPress Hosting

MERIT hosts instructional and administrative websites for School of Education courses, departments, programs, and affiliates.

WordPress is an open source blog tool and publishing platform. Easy-to-install, centrally-supported WordPress instances are available at no charge to School of Education departments and officially recognized groups for use in education.wisc.edu web space.

Available to:

  • UW–Madison School of Education faculty and staff


  • Copyright ownership shall be negotiated prior to initiating service
  • Obtaining written permission to use copyrighted materials is the responsibility of the client
  • Only available for official School of Education projects

Web Development

Course/Lab Website

WordPress instance for course of lab support

Unit/Department Website

Sitefinity is the content management software (CMS) that the School uses for the main School of Education website, department websites, and some unit or program websites.